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President Lai Ching-te thanked members of the ROC (Taiwan) Armed Forces for their dedication and directed them to continue sharpening their skills to demonstrate to the world their determination to safeguard their country.
Lai made the remarks while inspecting drills on the second day of the annual Han Kuang exercises July 23 in the eastern county of Hualien. The president visited both Chiashan and Hualien Air Force Bases, where he witnessed exercises on decentralized management, overall air defense, runway repairs and field hospital simulations.
Taking place on both the main island of Taiwan and outlying archipelagoes, the Han Kuang exercises have since 1984 focused on collaboration between all levels of the armed forces to execute round-the-clock missions in an actual combat mode.
Witnessing the high morale and exceptional performance of military personnel, Lai praised the success of regular training as well as the soldiers' preparedness for potential conflict, and conveyed his hope that they would continue to exhibit such excellence during the next few days' drills.
In later exercises, the MND's Military News Agency reported that a brigade in the southern city of Tainan carried out a nighttime counter-infiltration practice July 23 at Anping Harbor. The agency added that an anti-landing live-fire drill was conducted July 24 in the outlying Penghu Islands.
In response to Typhoon Gaemi, the MND ended Kan Kuang operations July 25 at noon and redirected the military to assist local governments' disaster prevention and relief efforts. (POC-E)
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Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung met with Roderich Kiesewetter, deputy head of the German Bundestag's Parliamentary Oversight Panel and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, July 23 in Taipei City, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Lin said during the meeting that peace across the Taiwan Strait is key to ensuring Indo-Pacific security and the stability of global supply chains. He also called on like-minded partners such as Germany to unite to tackle China's ongoing threats and hybrid warfare both in the region and around the world.
Taiwan and Germany have a close academic, economic and trade relationship, Lin said, adding that the establishment of a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. factory in Dresden will further boost bilateral collaboration and enhance democratic resilience.
In response, Kiesewetter concurred with Lin on the importance of cooperation among democracies and Taiwan's investment in Germany's semiconductor industry. He added that the Russia-Ukraine war has been a wake-up call warning democracies not to harbor illusions about authoritarian regimes and highlighting the critical nature of mutual trust to global cooperation.
The meeting followed a luncheon hosted by Vice Foreign Minister Remus Li-kuo Chen July 22. Chen thanked the Bundestag for recently passing a resolution emphasizing the importance of cross-strait peace and stability, while Kiesewetter urged democracies to work together to deter China's attempts to take Taiwan by force and welcomed more official bilateral visits.
Earlier the same day, Kiesewetter was also received by Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim at the Presidential Office in Taipei. Hsiao expressed appreciation to the German government and legislature for supporting Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations and thanked Kiesewetter for facilitating stronger economic bonds between Taiwan and European countries.
Europe is Taiwan's largest source of foreign investment, she said, adding that Taiwan will continue to launch cooperative projects with Germany and expand economic and commercial activities in Europe. (YCH-E)
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The 2024 BIO Asia-Taiwan exhibition got underway July 26 in Taipei City, with around 900 flagship companies from 19 countries showcasing their latest offerings at 2,200 booths for biomedical industry professionals hailing from around the world.
Themed "Global View with Asian Touch," this year's exhibition is jointly organized by Washington D.C.-headquartered Biotechnology Innovation Organization and Taipei-based Taiwan Bio Industry Organization. While the opening ceremony was delayed by two days due to Typhoon Gaemi, the innovation and technology forum, investment summit and regional cooperation forum were held on schedule July 24-25 and attracted participants from around 50 countries, the organizer said.
Some of the highlights so far include a speech in the innovation and technology forum by Zhang Feng, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and winner of the 2016 Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science; and the participation of 30 plus businesses and industry associations from Australia, Belgium, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand in the regional cooperation forum.
Equally impressive was the Demo Day event on opening day that showed how Taiwan integrated its biotechnology and ICT prowess to innovate and the country's commitment to expanding its reach to the global medical industry supply chain, according to the National Science and Technology Council.
The NSTC said examples in this regard include various diagnostic precision systems and tools to provide improved treatment regimens for patients; and one of only a few advanced 3D endoscope imaging systems in the world, built on an algorithm developed by a local medical team. Both innovations are part of the NSTC-supported Taiwan Smart Healthcare Alliance initiative, the council added. (SFC-E)
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President Lai Ching-te conferred the Order of Brilliant Star with Grand Cordon on Filip Grzegorzewski, the outgoing head of the European Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan, at the Presidential Office July 22 in Taipei City for his outstanding commitment to deepening relations.
According to Lai, since taking office in 2019, Grzegorzewski, who speaks fluent Mandarin, has spared no effort to bolster the ties between Taiwan and the EU. In addition to work on the economic and trade partnership, he has also helped draw attention to cross-strait concerns and raise support within the EU for Taiwan, for which the government and people are tremendously grateful, the president said.
Lai cited the successful staging of events such as the Taiwan European Film Festival, Europe Festival, beach cleanups and various seminars as shining examples of the longest serving EU representative's achievements. Since the EU Investment Forum was first organized in 2020, investment from Taiwan to the EU has surged tremendously, even as the EU continues to be the leading source of foreign investment to Taiwan, the president added.
Building on this solid foundation, the president said he expects to see further expansion going forward, including a bilateral economic partnership agreement. Lai wished the outgoing EETO head all the best and extended an open invitation to return to Taiwan in the future.
In response, Grzegorzewski said he was truly honored to receive the recognition as a token of appreciation for the work of the entire EETO team. The EU and Taiwan are like-minded partners with a friendship based on common values, he said, adding that he is happy to see Taiwan's inclusion in the EU's Indo-Pacific strategy during his term as the EETO head.
Describing Taiwan as a blessed land that respects peace, democracy, rule of law and human rights protection, the EU official said he will treasure the friendship that he and his family have received from Taiwan. (SFC-E)
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Taiwan's June export orders increased 3.1 percent year on year to US$45.56 billion, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs July 22.
Among the country's main export sectors, information and communication technology product orders rose 3.6 percent to NT$12.74 billion while electronics soared 6.3 percent to NT$15.54 billion. The MOEA attributed the strong showings to increased demand for artificial intelligence, cloud and high-performance computing and other emerging technology applications.
Equally impressive were orders for chemicals, up 9.5 percent to US$1.6 billion, showing the highest growth due to rising international oil prices, the MOEA said. Other sectors including basic metals, machinery, optoelectronics, plastic and rubber products all reported a gain of 2.5, 3.4, 5.8 and 2.7 percent, respectively.
Taiwan's top source of orders remained the U.S., up 3.7 percent to US$14.79 billion. This was followed by China and Hong Kong, up 3.5 percent to US$10.25 billion; the Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states, up 0.2 percent to US$6.82 billion; and Europe, up 6.3 percent to US$6.54 billion.
The MOEA remains optimistic about the outlook even though challenges such as global high interest rates, U.S.-China trade friction and geopolitical risks might slow down growth in international trade, the ministry said, adding that the demand for the country's semiconductors and servers is booming, and consumer electronics products are also entering the second half of the year peak season.
In addition, the MOEA formulated a series of measures this year to further boost export orders. These include: diversifying export markets, attracting more overseas enterprises to make business match visits, hosting international events to promote local products, increasing the scale of export loans and integrating various sectors to jointly tap emerging markets.
The ministry is committed to developing the five trusted industry sectors, namely AI, military, semiconductors, security and surveillance as well as next-generation communications. These were all noted by President Lai Ching-te in his inauguration speech, and he further pledged to enhance digital and net-zero transformation to boost green and inclusive economic growth, it added. (YCH-E)
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Taiwan and France recently concluded a cooperative agreement deepening bilateral artistic cooperation, underscoring the two sides' commitment to integrating creative resources, the Ministry of Culture said July 22.
Under the pact inked by Nikky Lin, director of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature, and Cécile Renault, head of culture, university cooperation and education of the French Office in Taipei, artists from France and other French-speaking countries are invited to complete artistic residencies in Taiwan, the MOC said. The presence of the visiting artists is expected to give locals greater insight into the global francophone community, the ministry added.
Among the projects French speakers are encouraged to participate in is the Formosa Art Residency launched in April 2023 by the FOT. The program is open to creatives in the writing, publishing and extended reality fields, the MOC said, adding that NMTL representatives will also take part in applicant screening following the new agreement.
The NMTL is dedicated to building international connections through literature, the ministry said. The museum collaborates with the French Alliance of Taiwan to hold a month of France-related cultural activities each March, and its residential writing program at Taiwan Literature Base in Taipei City has hosted writers from China, Czechia, Germany, Hong Kong and the U.S., the MOC added. (POC-E)
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The National Sports Training Center held a media day July 20 in the southern city of Kaohsiung to spotlight preparation by members of Team Taiwan who are set to compete in the Paralympic Games kicking off Aug. 28 in Paris.
During the event, Deputy Minister of Education Chang Liao Wan-chien expressed his support and gratitude to the athletes on behalf of the government. Their hard work and sacrifices made to represent Taiwan in the biggest sporting event of its kind are sincerely appreciated, he added.
According to Chang Liao, to show the government's full support for the athletes, a budget of NT$160 million (US$4.89 million) has been allocated for their training at the NSTC and participation in more than 40 qualifying competitions.
No effort is being spared to prepare the athletes for the upcoming games, Chang Liao said. All aspects of their daily lives and professional training are being handled by expert support staff, including accommodation, education, entertainment and transportation arrangements; meal preparation tailored to each athlete's medical and physical condition; and sports shoes that cater to the special needs of athletes with smaller body builds, he added.
According to the MOE, 13 local athletes have qualified for seven sports in the Paralympics, including badminton, powerlifting, taekwondo and table tennis. In the previous edition of the quadrennial games, Tien Shiau-wei won a bronze medal in the women's individual class 10 table tennis competition. (SFC-E)
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Just over 92 percent of new residents in Taiwan report that they have a happy life, with job satisfaction hitting 94.8 percent, according to the results of a survey released July 19 by the Ministry of the Interior.
The MOI reports that 45.6 percent of Taiwan's new residents are between 45 and 64 years old. A total of 60.5 percent of all new residents work in the service industry, with an overall labor force participation rate reaching 75 percent, the MOI said, adding that the average monthly household income among the group has increased by 18.2 percent, up NT$9,576 (US$292) from five years ago.
The MOI further reports that 75.9 percent of new residents have lived in Taiwan for more than 10 years, and the number of new residents who have taken part in literacy courses and other similar care services has increased from 54.2 percent in 2018 to 62.9 percent in the latest survey. Nearly one-third have also participated in social and public welfare activities over the past year, demonstrating their successful integration into Taiwan's society, the ministry said.
During a news conference announcing the results of the survey, which is conducted every five years, MOI Minister Liu Shyh-fang said that the National Health Insurance program enrollment rate, household income and the access to care services are all improving for new residents, indicating that the public and private support measures are paying dividends. The government will continue to formulate comprehensive policies in line with the bill approved by the Executive Yuan last month to promote the rights of new residents, she added.
In addition, the MOI's National Immigration Agency held a multicultural workshop on the same day that encouraged new residents' children to explore opportunities to combine their cultures and social innovation. (YCH-E)
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs extended congratulations on July 19 to Ursula von der Leyen on her re-election as president of the European Commission.
In EC political guidelines 2024-2029 announced by von der Leyen for her second term, the European Union is set to cooperate with Australia, Japan, Korea and New Zealand to counter China's unilateral attempts to change the status quo across the Taiwan strait. The MOFA voiced its gratitude to von der Leyen for her concern and support over cross-strait peace.
Under von der Leyen's leadership, the European Commission has continued to advance ties with Taiwan, evidenced by the 2021 EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, referring to Taiwan for the first time as a major Indo-Pacific partner. In addition, the strategy called for forging a diverse, resilient semiconductor supply chain and deepening bilateral trade and investment links with Taiwan.
As a like-minded partner who shares the same core values of democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law with the EU, Taiwan will continue to strengthen economic partnership to advance exchanges in culture, digital economy, green energy and technology. (POC-E)
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A new national development project was unveiled by the Executive Yuan July 18 in Taipei City to promote infrastructure development and key industries, cultivate personnel and build Taiwan into an Asian asset management hub.
According to the EY, the initiative was proposed during the first meeting of the new Cabinet-level Economic Development Commission convened by Premier Cho Jung-tai. It is the new administration's response to public expectation of change-driven innovation and open governance, the premier said.
The primary goal of the mega plan is to attract between NT$3 trillion (US$92 billion) and NT$4 trillion from home and abroad to invest in major infrastructure projects and key sectors, Cho said. Facilitated by establishment of a single window with cross-ministerial coordination to address regulatory issues, investment initiatives will be fast-tracked, and the cabinet expects the project to create an estimated NT$10 trillion in economic benefits.
Equally important is the goal to foster 200,000 local professionals with expertise in artificial intelligence and attract a further 120,000 personnel from overseas. This will be achieved through a series of measures to cultivate, retain and recruit such a workforce both at home and abroad, the premier said.
In addition, National Development Council Minister Liu Chin-ching said the government will also promote regulatory easing to make Taiwan a destination of choice for the estimated 35 million digital nomads working remotely around the world.
With regard to asset management promotion, Cho said the Financial Supervisory Commission will review Taiwan's advantages and regulatory constraints to make capital flow and utilization more flexible domestically and create greater economic benefits for all. (SFC-E)
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The World Deaf Athletics Championships are underway through July 24 in Taipei City, highlighting the government's commitment to promoting sports for deaf and hard-of-hearing competitors at home and abroad.
According to the Ministry of Education's Sports Administration, the World Deaf Youth Athletics Championships, newly launched this year, took place from July 14-16. Both WDYAC and WDAC are international sporting events authorized by the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf, the SA noted, adding that their level is only one rank lower than the Deaflympics.
The WDAC has been held on a quadrennial basis since its inception in 2008. Chinese Taipei Deaf Sports Federation and Taipei City Government cooperated to organize the event and its youth counterpart this year, attracting over 300 competitors from 40 countries, the SA added.
Speaking at the opening ceremony July 17 at Taipei Municipal Stadium, SA's Deputy Director-General Hung Chih-chang extended his best wishes to WDAC athletes. He took advantage of the opportunity to announce that Taiwan will also host the 2027 World Deaf Youth Games.
Taiwan's delegation to the WDAC is led by An Ching-lung, a former Deaflympics decathlete, who oversees 7 other coaches and 13 athletes. The SA hailed two team members in particular, Hsu Le and Hsu An-yi, for their previous Deaflympics successes with a gold in 100-meter hurdles and three silver medals for javelin, respectively.
The SA also recognized Team Taiwan's excellent performance at the WDYAC, resulting in one gold, two silver and bronze medals. (POC-E)
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The Executive Yuan welcomed the Legislative Yuan's continued efforts to tackle fraud following the body's passage of draft amendments to the Money Laundering Control Act and the Code of Criminal Procedure July 16 in Taipei City.
According to EY Spokesperson Chen Shih-kai, the updated act strengthens the surveillance of virtual asset services, including non-fungible tokens. Criminal liability will be imposed on any person or enterprise that provides virtual asset services without completing money laundering prevention registration, he said, adding that this also applies to overseas-based entities that offer relevant services locally without obtaining authorization to establish a company or branch office and completing the same registration.
Third-party payment services are also addressed by the act amendments, with different penalties incurred depending on whether the proceeds of money laundering exceed NT$100 million (US$30.5 million), Chen said.
Amendments to the criminal code focus on the investigatory authority of prosecutors, Chen said. The finalized bill will lay out a legal avenue for investigators to access data from international mobile subscriber identity-catchers, GPS trackers and thermal imaging cameras, he added.
In response to the new antifraud regulations, the Ministry of Digital Affairs hosted a discussion with the Taiwan Telecommunication Industry Development Association July 18 in Taipei. During the event, the ministry broke down the higher fines for third-party payment service providers who fail to implement internal control and audit systems, confirm customer identities and report suspicious transactions, adding that they will be punished on a case-by-case basis.
The MODA additionally proposed relevant measures for a fraud prevention draft bill passed by the LY July 12, including rules to target operators of e-commerce sites, online games and advertising platforms, as well as third-party payment services. Operators must cooperate with authorities in disclosing necessary information and removing fraudulent advertisements and messages under a safe harbor clause, the ministry said, adding that the fine for violating such obligations is up to NT$100 million.
MODA Minister Huang Yennun additionally announced during the event that an antifraud inquiry and report network will be launched at the end of August to further combat fraud and create a safer digital environment. (YCH-E)
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Taiwan Accreditation Foundation was presented with the Organizational Recognition Award at the annual Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation meeting for its active participation and exceptional contributions to accreditation-related activity in the region July 16 in Dubai.
According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, APAC is the largest regional accreditation organization in the world. TAF was the only entity to receive the award from among APAC's 83 members, it said.
With support from the MOEA's Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, TAF implements accreditation regulations and developmental plans, as well as attending international meetings and inking mutual recognition arrangements on behalf of the country. TAF has signed a total of 18 MRAs, the third most of any APAC member, the ministry said.
Since TAF is a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation and the International Accreditation Forum, reports and certifications issued by TAF-accredited agencies are globally recognized, expediting the export of domestic products, the MOEA added.
Alongside societal and industrial evolution, the demand for sustainable appliances and devices commodities is growing, the MOEA said, adding that the current number of TAF-accredited laboratories and institutions exceeds 2600.
The ministry anticipated that TAF would continue advancing Taiwan's trade by providing independent, objective and unbiased certification services while concluding more MRAs. (POC-E)
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a short film July 17 to spotlight Taiwan's commitment to engaging the world through participation in the 2024 Summer Olympics set to kick off July 26 in Paris.
Titled "Taiwan: Win Over the World," the film is a montage of the rigorous training athletes undergo in preparation for global sporting events, the general public engaging in daily sport activities, and images depicting the country's social developments and high-tech achievements. The video echoes the spirit of the current administration's policy of integral diplomacy as it portrays Taiwan's prosperity and vibrant democracy.
According to the MOFA, another key point of the film is to underscore Taiwan's unique standing on the global stage. While its athletes compete under the flag of Chinese Taipei, they have the will to embrace passion, stay cool under pressure, evolve and, most importantly, win over the world as Team Taiwan.
The athletes exude confidence in their national team jerseys, representing a "Taiwan of the world." To highlight the Olympic spirit of participation, equality and peace, the film ends with members of Team Taiwan embracing their opponents at various global competitions.
With subtitles in Chinese, English and French, the film comes in both two-minute and 30-second versions. It is available on the MOFA's official Facebook page, X account and YouTube channel, as well as the ministry's Trending Taiwan YouTube channel and related social media accounts. (SFC-E)
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Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim and National Human Rights Commission Chair Chen Chu met with an Indigenous delegation from the Parliament of Canada July 17 and 16 in Taipei City, pledging to continue enhancing Indigenous culture exchanges and cooperation with the like-minded partners.
Led by Brian Francis, chair of the Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples, the group comprises David Wells, caucus chair of the Conservative Party in the Senate, and other senators and House of Commons members.
Hsiao said Taiwan and Canada enjoy collaborations in many fields, and their people-to-people exchanges are especially thriving between Indigenous groups, noting that the country's Indigenous community also participated in the Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture held last month in Hawaii with thousands of Pacific counterparts. The vice president added that Indigenous culture plays a key part in the bilateral relationship.
The meeting followed a discussion with NHRC chair and commissioners a day earlier, in which Chen Chu said that on her trip to Canada last October she gained a deeper understanding of Canada's experience in promoting Indigenous peoples' rights and policies, as well as ways to restore historical truth for human rights violations. She added that she fully supported the name rectification movement for the Indigenous Hla'alua and Kanakanavu tribes, and had issued certificates of rights restoration for Indigenous reserved lands during her term as Kaohsiung City Mayor from 2006 to 2010.
NHRC Commissioner Pu Chung-cheng further pointed out that Taiwan has formulated regulations to protect ethnic groups' rights, including the Indigenous Peoples' Basic Law, the Indigenous Peoples' Employment Rights Protection Act and the Indigenous Languages Development Act. Other commissioners shared the country's supportive measures in health and medical care for women and children.
In response, delegation members said the Indigenous community in Taiwan and Canada face similar challenges in cultural revitalization, economic opportunity and government recognition. They anticipated continued work with Taiwan to jointly advance human rights for the groups, the NHRC added.
Chen also took the opportunity to thank the Canadian parliament for supporting Taiwan's engagement in international organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization and the World Health Organization. (YCH-E)
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